Nagaoka MP-110 vs Ortofon 2M Blue: Unveiling Sound Quality!

The Nagaoka Mp-110 and Ortofon 2M Blue are both popular cartridges known for their exceptional sound quality and performance.

Sound Quality Comparison

When comparing the sound quality of the Nagaoka MP-110 and the Ortofon 2M Blue, there are noticeable differences. The Nagaoka MP-110 offers a warm and rich sound, with excellent tonal balance and detail. The smoothness of this cartridge is a standout feature, resulting in a pleasant listening experience. On the other hand, the Ortofon 2M Blue is known for its detailed and vibrant sound reproduction. It excels in delivering crisp highs and tight bass, with impressive imaging and soundstage. The cartridge’s overall clarity and separation make it a great choice for audiophiles seeking a more analytical sound. When it comes to preference, it depends on individual taste and the specific characteristics one is looking for in their music listening experience. Ultimately, both cartridges offer excellent sound quality, but with slightly different sonic signatures.

Distinction In Frequency Response

When it comes to the distinction in frequency response between the Nagaoka MP-110 and the Ortofon 2M Blue, there are some noticeable differences. The Nagaoka MP-110 offers a frequency response range of 20 Hz to 25 kHz, covering a wide spectrum of sound. It produces a warm and smooth sound signature with enhanced mid-range presence and a slightly rolled-off treble.

On the other hand, the Ortofon 2M Blue showcases a frequency response range of 20 Hz to 25 kHz as well. However, it has a more analytical and detailed sound reproduction. The 2M Blue offers a balanced frequency response with crisp highs, accurate mids, and tight bass. It delivers a more neutral and transparent sound.

In conclusion, the Nagaoka MP-110 leans towards a warmer and smoother sound, while the Ortofon 2M Blue provides a more analytical and balanced sound. Both cartridges have their strengths and will appeal to different listeners based on their preferences and music genres.

Tracking Ability And Performance

The tracking ability and performance of the Nagaoka Mp-110 and Ortofon 2M Blue cartridges are key factors to consider when choosing between them. The Nagaoka Mp-110 offers exceptional tracking ability, allowing it to navigate through grooves with precision and accuracy. This ensures that the stylus stays in the groove, reducing distortion and improving overall sound quality. On the other hand, the Ortofon 2M Blue is known for its outstanding performance, delivering detailed and balanced sound reproduction. It excels in capturing the subtleties of the music, providing a rich and immersive listening experience. Both cartridges offer distinct advantages, with the Nagaoka Mp-110 focusing on tracking ability and the Ortofon 2M Blue focusing on performance. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on the specific needs and preferences of the user.

Comparison Of Cartridge Specifications

Cartridge Specification Nagaoka Mp-110 Ortofon 2M Blue
Output Voltage 5mV 5.5mV
Frequency Response 20Hz – 20kHz 20Hz – 25kHz
Tracking Force 1.8g – 2.3g 1.6g – 2g
Compliance 12 × 10^-6 cm/dyne 22 × 10^-6 cm/dyne
Stylus Type Elliptical diamond Nude elliptical diamond

The Nagaoka Mp-110 and Ortofon 2M Blue cartridges have distinct specifications that set them apart. The Mp-110 offers a **output voltage** of 5mV, while the 2M Blue provides 5.5mV, ensuring strong audio signal levels. In terms of **frequency response**, both cartridges achieve a range of 20Hz to 20kHz, but the 2M Blue extends further to 25kHz, capturing higher frequencies with greater accuracy. **Tracking force** is another vital consideration, with the Mp-110 requiring 1.8g to 2.3g, and the 2M Blue needing 1.6g to 2g. These differing requirements must be met for optimal performance. When it comes to **compliance**, the Mp-110 offers 12 × 10^-6 cm/dyne, while the 2M Blue boasts 22 × 10^-6 cm/dyne, indicating the cartridge’s ability to conform to vibrations. Additionally, the stylus type differentiates the two, with the Mp-110 using an elliptical diamond stylus and the 2M Blue featuring a nude elliptical diamond stylus.

Needle Shape And Durability

Needle Shape and Durability
Nagaoka Mp-110 Ortofon 2M Blue
The Nagaoka Mp-110 features a conical stylus needle shape which offers excellent tracking ability while minimizing record wear. Its needle is made of hardened carbon with a hardness greater than a diamond and is designed to last for many hours of playback. The Mp-110’s diamond tip is conically shaped, allowing for accurate reading of the record grooves and providing a warm and dynamic sound reproduction. The Ortofon 2M Blue, on the other hand, utilizes an elliptical stylus needle shape. This shape enhances the contact area with the record groove, resulting in higher precision and more detailed sound reproduction. The 2M Blue also features a diamond tip, ensuring durability and longevity.

Price And Value For Money

When comparing the Nagaoka MP-110 and the Ortofon 2M Blue cartridges, one important factor to consider is the price and value for money.

The Nagaoka MP-110 is known for offering exceptional performance at its price point. It provides a balanced and detailed sound reproduction with a warm and smooth character. With its elliptical diamond stylus, it produces excellent tracking and minimal surface noise. Furthermore, its durable construction ensures longevity, making it a cost-effective option.

On the other hand, the Ortofon 2M Blue offers a higher price tag but also delivers a superb audio performance. It features a nude elliptical diamond stylus that provides enhanced tracking and accurate sound reproduction. The cartridge’s unique split pole pins contribute to an open and dynamic soundstage.

In terms of value for money, both the Nagaoka MP-110 and the Ortofon 2M Blue offer excellent performance in their respective price ranges. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on your budget and specific sound preferences.

Summary And Verdict

Nagaoka MP-110

Nagaoka MP-110

  • Excellent tracking ability
  • Smooth and balanced sound
  • Wide frequency response
  • Great value for money
  • Perfect for all music genres

Ortofon 2M Blue

Ortofon 2M Blue

  • Precise and detailed sound reproduction
  • Wide soundstage
  • Exceptional tracking capabilities
  • Enhanced stylus technology
  • Ideal for audiophiles

When comparing the Nagaoka MP-110 and the Ortofon 2M Blue, both cartridges offer exceptional performance and are highly regarded in the vinyl community.

The Nagaoka MP-110 is known for its excellent tracking ability, providing smooth and balanced sound reproduction across a wide frequency response. It offers great value for money and is suitable for all music genres.

On the other hand, the Ortofon 2M Blue stands out with its precise and detailed sound reproduction. Its wide soundstage and exceptional tracking capabilities make it a popular choice among audiophiles. The enhanced stylus technology ensures optimal playback quality.

Choosing between these two cartridges ultimately depends on your preferences and budget. The Nagaoka MP-110 provides a budget-friendly option without compromising on sound quality, making it a suitable choice for many. However, if you are an audiophile seeking the best possible performance, the Ortofon 2M Blue is the ideal pick.


Ultimately, both the Nagaoka MP-110 and the Ortofon 2M Blue offer impressive performance and excellent value for your money. Each cartridge has its own unique characteristics that cater to different audiophile preferences. Whether you prioritize a warm and smooth sound or a detailed and accurate sound reproduction, both options deliver exceptional audio quality.

It ultimately comes down to personal preference and the specific needs of your turntable setup. So, take your time, do your research, and choose the cartridge that best suits your musical preferences and budget. Happy listening!

Frequently Asked Questions For Nagaoka Mp-110 Vs Ortofon 2M Blue

Is The Nagaoka Mp-110 Better Than The Ortofon 2M Blue?

The Nagaoka MP-110 and Ortofon 2M Blue are both excellent cartridges, but they have different tonal characteristics. The MP-110 offers warm, rich tones while the 2M Blue has more clarity and detail. Ultimately, the choice depends on your personal preference and the type of music you enjoy.

Which Cartridge Is Better For Vinyl Enthusiasts, Nagaoka Mp-110 Or Ortofon 2M Blue?

Both the Nagaoka MP-110 and Ortofon 2M Blue are highly regarded among vinyl enthusiasts. The MP-110 offers a warm and full-bodied sound, making it ideal for those who enjoy a more vintage sound. On the other hand, the 2M Blue provides exceptional detail and nuance, making it a great choice for audiophiles seeking high-fidelity sound reproduction.

Can The Nagaoka Mp-110 Or Ortofon 2M Blue Be Used On Any Turntable?

Yes, both the Nagaoka MP-110 and Ortofon 2M Blue are compatible with a wide range of turntables. They have standard mounting patterns and can be easily installed on most tonearms. However, it’s always recommended to check the compatibility of the cartridge with your specific turntable model before making a purchase.

What Is The Recommended Tracking Force For The Nagaoka Mp-110 And Ortofon 2M Blue?

For the Nagaoka MP-110, the recommended tracking force is between 1. 5 to 2. 0 grams. As for the Ortofon 2M Blue, the ideal tracking force falls within the range of 1. 8 to 2. 2 grams. It’s crucial to set the tracking force accurately to ensure optimal performance and prevent premature wear on both the cartridge and vinyl records.

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